(Business week) . U.S. nonfarm payrolls fell 51,000 in July, following a 51,000 drop in June. Average hourly earnings rose 0.3% in July, while the workweek fell to 33.6 hours, from 33.7. The 5.7% unemployment rate is an increase from the 5.5% rate in May and June.
Despite the worsening labor picture, the data in the July jobs report was better than most economists expected. "Most of the headline data aren't as bad as feared, and that could give the dollar and stocks some support," Action Economics says.
Oil prices rallied Friday. On the NYMEX, crude oil for September delivery rose $3.26 to $127.34 per barrel.
In other economic news Friday, the U.S. ISM manufacturing index largely met expectations by falling to 50.0 in July, down from 50.2 in July.
U.S. construction spending fell 0.4% in June following flat spending in May. Total spending is off 5.9% from a year ago, with residential construction off 26.4% from a year ago. Non-residential spending up 10.8% from last year.
(FT) The economic gloom that has settled over the eurozone darkened on Friday as data showed manufacturers in the 15-member currency area were having an even tougher time than previously thought.
The Eurozone Purchasing Managers’ Index for July was revised down by one 10th of a point to 47.4, its lowest level since June 2003 that also indicates factory activity is contracting.
Gli economisti USA avevano previsioni peggiori , e quindi le azioni erano scese . La realtà risulta migliore , e le azioni scendono ancora . C'era la convinzione che il prezzo del petrolio fosse inversamente legato all'andamento del dolla ro : oggi il dollaro sale e d il petrolio pure . Le spese per costruzioni hanno u andamento divergente che continua dai mesi scorsi : sembra che le aziende Usa continuino a credere nel futuro ,
Per l'Europa c'è ancora un piccolissimo calo dell'attività manifatturiera .
I mercati emergenti continuano il calo .
Rimango in stand-by.
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