July 25 (Bloomberg) -- Orders for U.S. durable goods unexpectedly increased in June, easing concern that companies would limit spending as raw-material costs soared.
(Bloomberg) -- The number of new houses for sale in the U.S. dropped by the most in four decades in June, indicating that cutbacks in construction are starting to make a dent in the property glut.
Purchases of new homes ran at a 530,000 annualized pace in June, higher than forecasted
(Wall Street Journal) Even as many Americans are pulling in their purse strings, spending on key categories of high-end luxury goods is proving surprisingly resilient, underscoring the industry's progress at broadening its reach beyond the upper crust and into the growing ranks of the affluent.
Luxury-goods makers reported in recent days that U.S. sales of expensive jewelry, Swiss watches and French scarves are holding firm.
(Sole24ore). La crisi dei mutui fa fuori altre due banche negli Stati Uniti: la First National Bank of Nevada e la First Heritage Bank. Entrambe sono state chiuse il 25 luglio in tarda nottata dalle autorità finanziarie perché sotto-capitalizzate. Lo stesso destino era capitato ad IndyMac, lo scorso 11 luglio.Con First National Bank of Nevada e FIrst Heritage Bank salgono a sette le banche fallite negli Usa dall'inizio di quest'anno, per la crisi dei mutui e le conseguenti difficoltà nell'approvvigionarsi di credito.
Come si puo' vedere , molte volte le previsioni sono peggiori della realtà (che non è rosea , comunque) .
Gli articoli di lusso reggono , uno dei motivi per cui ho comprato Bulgari e Porsche . Nei prossimi mesi vedremo se se le previsioni sono correttte .
MeidasTouch Pops on Podcast Charts as Progressives Search for Answers
The company is a leader among numerous digital-first outlets that have been
reshaping the progressive media landscape since President Trump took office.
5 ore fa
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