Anche in USA sono incavolati
Wall Street firms will be the target of a nonviolent demonstration in which organizers say they want 20,000 people to participate with tents, kitchens and “peaceful barricades.”
Dubbed “#OccupyWallStreet,” the goal of the protest in lower Manhattan is to get President Barack Obama to establish a commission to end “the influence money has over our representatives in Washington,” according to the website of Adbusters, a group promoting the demonstration. Organizers plan to start on Sept. 17 and want participants to “occupy” the area for “a few months,” according to the website.
La recessione di cui si parla da tanto . E la soluzione è dare soldi alle banche , ma i consumatori non li vedono
Finance chiefs from the euro region, meeting with U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, said the 18-month debt crisis leaves no room for tax cuts or extra spending to spur an economy on the brink of stagnation. There is “a serious risk” of a double-dip recession in the U.S. and Europe, Nobel-prize winning economist Joseph Stiglitz said.
…..As the Federal Reserve is about to mull moves to reduce long-term interest rates, big companies already are taking advantage of record-low bond yields.
But, contrary to the textbook explanations of how monetary policy is supposed to work, corporations are tapping the bond market to raise low-cost money to make acquisitions or return cash to shareholders rather than to invest in plants and equipment, which would expand jobs….
Un dato in contrasto con altri
Global demand for U.S. stocks, bonds and other financial assets was weaker than forecast in July, the Treasury Department reported today.
Net buying of long-term equities, notes and bonds totaled $9.5 billion during the month compared with net buying of $3.4 billion in June, according to statistics issued in Washington.
Joseph Lupton, global economist at JPMorgan Chase in New York, said there has been a gradual “diversification” out of U.S. Treasury securities this year by the central banks of the world. “There is a gradual shift,” Lupton said.
Le opinioni dei consumatori possono essere diverse dai comportamenti , comunque….
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Consumer sentiment inched up in early September but Americans remained gloomy about the future with their expectations falling to the lowest level since 1980, a survey released on Friday showed.
Gli USA ci danno lezioni , ma il pulpito non è un granchè e loro non vogliono ascoltare. Nel report di Reuters vengono menzionati molti ministri , ma non quello italiano
"He (Geithner) conveyed dramatically that we need to commit money to avoid bringing the system into difficulty," Austria's Finance Minister Maria Fekter told reporters after the meeting.
"I found it peculiar that even though the Americans have significantly worse fundamental data than the euro zone, that they tell us what we should do and when we make a suggestion ... that they say no straight away."
Fekter said there had been particular disagreement over suggestions that Europe should commit more money to fighting the crisis. When German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble explained that would not go down well with taxpayers and that the only way to fund it would be a financial transaction tax, Geithner ruled any such tax out.
Una soluzione semplice
Crisi dell’euro, la soluzione c’è
e non richiede lacrime e sangue
Non sono i debiti pubblici il problema per la tenuta dell’euro. L’Europa, a differenza degli Usa, non ha affatto un deficit dei conti con l’estero e dunque non ha alcun bisogno dei soldi degli altri, scrive Luca Fantacci, docente di Scenari economici internazionali alla Bocconi e Distinguished Visiting Fellow presso il Christ’s College di Cambridge. Siamo invece vittime della nostra incapacità di darci credito a vicenda. Per uscire dal circolo, si può fare come nel 1950, l’Unione Europea dei Pagamenti. Nei suoi otto anni di vita, fece un miracolo economico: in Italia e in Germania.
Rage Against Elon Musk Turns Tesla Into a Target
The backlash against the electric vehicle company has turned violent at
times, as its billionaire chief executive parlays his support for President
Trump i...
2 ore fa
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